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Page 7

  Her mind started working again. She needed that video finished. So yes, a party might be a good idea. “Turning lemons into lemonade. We could do that.”

  “Exactly.” Ladonna flipped the voluminous skirts of her gown. “And I’m getting to wear this at least once. I knew this was mine the minute I saw it.” She glanced at Thea. “And you, Dot, you can wear that bridesmaid’s gown.”

  “I’ll wear what I want.” The words were out of her mouth before she could process them, but she wouldn’t take them back now. She meant it. She hated this dress, even with the top that fit. “You picked this for me because you knew I’d hate it.”

  Tears stood out in Ladonna’s eyes, but Thea recognized this type of tirade. Ladonna used it as a weapon. She cried at people. She was doing that now. “You can say that to me, after I’ve lost the love of my life?” Her quick glance at Blade revealed her next attack. “He was the best in bed. The best. Had a cock like a banana, but then, you’d know that, wouldn’t you? When he dumped you he told me he couldn’t stand it any longer. Once a week wasn’t enough, he said.”

  “Chester came to see me last night. He said he was having second thoughts, asked me to run away with him.” Oh shit, she shouldn’t have said anything. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?

  Silence reigned for half a second. Shoving her chin forward, propping her hands on her hips, Ladonna spat words at Thea. “I always knew you were jealous. You’re lying. After me, who would want you? Chester wouldn’t do that, not once he had a taste of me. Second best you’ve always been and you always will be.”

  She flipped a thumb to Blade. “Then you give it out to a stranger like a slut? I’m sorry, Blade, but you need to know that about my sister. She’ll lie underneath you and let you fuck her, but ask her for something different? She’s not with that. She uses sex. Maybe she’s asexual, I don’t know, but nobody stays with her for long. Least of all my ex-fiancé.”

  Blade’s mouth quirked in a half-smile as his attention went to a frozen Thea. “Is that what you were doing this morning? Getting bored?”

  “No, I—”

  He caught her hand and raised it to his lips in an old-fashioned gesture that struck right to her heart. “You don’t have to say anything. Not a word.” Gently he tugged on their linked hands and brought her to his side. “If we have a party to organize, we’d better get on with it, hadn’t we?” He nodded to Ladonna. “Have a shower, get to the spa, and carry on. We’ll do the rest. We’ll see you later.”

  Without answering Ladonna, or letting her say anything else, he pulled Thea out of the room. Closing the door softly behind him, he hauled her into his arms. They closed around her, bringing her comfort, together with that tingle of attraction she always felt around him. “She’s upset,” she said. “She doesn’t mean it. She always lashes out when she’s upset.”

  “I get that. She doesn’t want people to feel sorry for her. But, baby, you don’t do that by making other people look small. That’s not what a responsible person does.” He kissed her forehead in a tender gesture. “Let’s get busy. First, while Ladonna primps in the spa, I have a plan for you. We’ll take that outfit to Renata and get her to exchange it for something else. Something that makes you beautiful.”

  “Will she do that?”

  “She will if we ask her. But we need to drive into town. It’ll do you good to get away from the ranch for an hour or two. I’ll talk to Renaud, and he can get busy organizing everything here. He’ll let all the guests know about the change of plan and organize lunch for them.”

  “But we can’t afford—”

  “Shut up. We have it anyway. While it won’t be as grand as the dinner you planned, that means we can feed everybody, instead of just the select few. It won’t cost you extra.”

  He looked up, as if alerted. Renaud was approaching them, his strides eating up the hallway. “I need to talk to you.” He glanced around and discovered a cleaning closet then did a double-take on her gown and shook his head. “Privately and fast.”

  So we do this here. Chester Rayburn is headed for the border. I don’t know what’s got him so riled, but if he crosses it, we’ve lost him. Can you get him back?

  Blade replied. Sure.

  He’s in a rented Chevy on the freeway. I got a tip-off from the company. Here. He thrust a piece of paper and a set of keys at Blade. I’ll transmit the details as you go. You’ve got a good chance of beating him to it, and that letter will stop him going through the border.

  Okay. Heedless of the cut of his pants, Blade shoved the keys and paper into his pocket. “But you need to take Thea to Renata’s and get her to swap this dress for something better. Something for the party tonight.”

  Renaud frowned. “Party?”

  “Obviously the wedding’s off, but Ladonna wants the reception this evening to go ahead.” He drew Thea close and gave her a quick kiss. “Renaud will look after you as well as I can. Let him take care of you, baby. It’ll burn Ladonna big time if she thinks you have both of us!” His eyes flashed in brief amusement as he raced off.

  Thea rounded on Renaud. “Why couldn’t you go?”

  “Because I can’t fly the helicopter,” he said, as if that ability was an everyday thing. He crooked his arm and offered it to Thea. “Now, shall we go?”

  Chapter Seven

  Driving in a shiny black Jaguar, arriving at an exclusive store that sold high-end and designer goods? Oh yeah, Thea could get used to that. Maybe the superficial part of her responded best, but she’d treasure that moment. Because they hadn’t stopped to change, she still wore the poufy dress and satin corset, and Renaud had one of his suits on. The rich blue contrasted well with his skin tone, his dark good looks unaffectedly gorgeous. Where Blade was smoothly handsome, Renaud had the rugged handsomeness of a man who knew what it was to work for a living. Between them they were an irresistible combination.

  Despite her attraction to Blade, she wasn’t blind to his breed partner’s appeal. During the short journey she sneaked glances at him. A mile from the ranch house, he turned his attention briefly to her and grinned. “I can tell what you’re thinking. Go on, ask me.”

  Now or never. “Do you share?”

  “Sometimes. Once we find a breedmate, we will always share. But it has to be a three-way thing.”

  “Yes.” Embarrassment flooded her. How could she ask such a thing? But she’d never had the chance to ask anything like that before. “I guess so.”

  “Oh don’t stop now! Ma chérie, we enjoy sharing, but not if we have to persuade the woman into it. She needs to want it, too. Even if she’s never done it before. It can be very good. Better than good.” It sounded like a promise.

  Another thought struck her. “Do you and Blade—you know, do you…”

  “Do we fuck? No. But some breed partners do. Being naked is part of the shape-shifter world, you know that. Fucking is entirely a choice. Breedmates are precious to us, and whether the men in the relationship fuck or not, the woman is always the center of their world. Always.” He said the last word with a great deal of emphasis.

  Wow. Being the center of their world? “I’m going home next Tuesday.” She couldn’t let herself even think it.

  “You don’t have to. Think about it. We have some business to sort out, and the banks don’t open until Monday. We can’t get it all done in one day, but I’m sure we’ll sort something out. It would be better if you’re onsite. We can talk, then.”

  Ideas dawned. “You mean setting up a new schedule of payments, something like that? With interest, of course.”

  “Yes. And fuck the interest. This wasn’t your fault.”

  Damn him, he knew exactly how to get to her. “It was. I should have taken a lot more care.”

  “With everything on you? Non, ma chérie, it wasn’t your fault. We have checks and counterbalances to ensure we don’t make mistakes. You do not.”

  She was finding it hard to concentrate on what he was saying. That French accent melted her. Unfair, to have s
uch an advantage.

  He parked outside the ritzy store. Like most of its kind, this place had only one dress in the window. Next to it stood a pair of sky-high stilettos with distinctive red soles. She’d expect to see that kind of ritzy boutique on one of the little streets on the Upper West Side or Fifth. But it didn’t look out of place here.

  This was upper-end Texas, to be sure. Tourist Texas, too, with planked and sheltered boardwalks, restaurants, even a traditional diner, squeaky clean and shiny, where she’d love to linger over a coffee.

  No time today and, in any case, she wasn’t dressed for it. A police station stood across the road, and Renaud waved farther down. “The motel is that way, and there’s a hotel, too. In the other direction there’s a hospital.”

  “It’s nice.” It really was, but she wouldn’t have time to explore it properly.

  Renaud walked around the car and helped her out, ensuring she didn’t tear any more of the layered skirts. She grabbed her huge black purse, which was so incongruous with the gown, but that couldn’t be helped. A few people stopped and stared as she stepped through the doorway of the store, but she chose to ignore them.

  A gust of cool air hit her and a waft of gentle perfume. Though it was only April, Texas was heating up, but in the strapless gown, she wasn’t too hot. She’d have worn highlighter on her shoulders and between her breasts, and the pretty necklace, which was waiting, in her case back at the ranch. Just to try to make it look a bit better.

  “Hi!” Renata approached them, hand outstretched. Thea had to lean forward to take it. “I see that corset fits you much better. You can breathe in it, huh?”

  “Yes. The thing is—I won’t need it.”

  “The groom ran for the hills,” Renaud said, not a trace of laughter in his voice, but Thea could feel it in the air. They were screwed. But she might retrieve something from this. “Listen, Renata. We’d really like to exchange this gown for something more suitable. The bride still wants the party tonight, to show she isn’t crying her eyes out in her room. Even though that was exactly what she did. But she’s gone to the spa for a luxury treatment, and I’ve brought Thea here. Thea needs something good to wear.” He glanced at Thea, the corners of his eyes creasing. He really had the most amazing blue eyes, dazzling set against the dark tan of his face.

  Renata glanced at Renaud then at Thea. After a pause, her face broke into a smile. “Of course we can accommodate you. Let’s see what we can find. If you go into the changing room and take the pink gown off, I’ll find a few things you might like.”

  “You do exchanges?” Thea couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing, or seeing when Renata gave her a cheerful nod in response. One glance around this boutique told her that normally she’d have to pass by a place like this. Beautiful gowns, dresses, and accessories were scattered artfully about.

  An assistant showed Thea to a small hallway with two changing rooms leading off either side. She stayed long enough to unlace the corset then left Thea to slip out of the rest of it.

  She’d cut the original top of the gown off, the one that Blade had sliced her out of. The waist was ragged, although a new waistband or top would turn the thing into an acceptable garment. Just one she never wanted to see again. Ever. Presumably she could find something pretty but at the more modest end of the range.

  The assistant brought an armful of gorgeous clothes. Thea’s suspicions were raised when none of them had price tags, but when she questioned the woman, she said, “We assign the price at the counter.”


  “We do handle lightly worn clothes but not many and for special customers only.”

  Sighing in relief, Thea decided to try on the dresses. Renata had not only brought evening gowns, she’d provided day dresses. Sleek silk and soft silk gauze, the fabrics felt amazing on her skin. But even at used prices, she wouldn’t be able to afford them.

  Or could she? Obviously they were investments. She’d been saving for a while. The account she’d set aside to save for her doctorate was pretty healthy. Maybe she could treat herself. Fuck knew she deserved it.

  She selected a gorgeous evening gown and two day dresses she couldn’t resist. She’d treat herself from her savings. Then she popped her head around the door to find Renata waiting for her.

  “I chose things I’d have chosen for myself. We’re a similar build and coloring, so I figured these would suit.

  I brought some pants for you and a simple top.” Renata handed them over. “You could wear these now.”

  She was wearing the bangles again. Thea touched one with her finger and immediately snatched it back. “It’s warm! Do you wear these all the time?”

  Renata laughed merrily. “Bless you, I don’t have a choice! These are my breed rings. It shows I’m a breedmate to two wonderful men. When you bond, these develop on your wrists. They’re part of me.”

  “Oh.” Breathing deeply, Thea examined the bangles. They were truly beautiful, but they looked metallic.

  “There’s only one way to get these, honey, and they’re not for sale.” Renata gave Thea a little push. “Go try the clothes.”

  More expense, but the silky feel of the fabrics was irresistible. Slipping back into the room, she put them on. The loose, taupe top and the black pants were classy and so pretty, even without a bra. She left the changing room again, with the two dresses she’d chosen earlier. When she hesitated, Renata took them from her.

  “They’re all gorgeous, but I can’t possibly afford them all.”

  Taking the evening gown from her selection, Renata draped it over her arm. “Well, this is your exchange gown. You’ll look gorgeous in it. Do you have shoes?”

  “I have a pair of neutral sandals that would work.”

  They went through to the main store area.

  Renata shook her head. “It would be a shame to skimp on the shoes. I tell you what. I’ll include a pair that match this gown perfectly. Just tell people where you bought it, okay?”

  Helplessly, Thea glanced around to where Renaud sat on an easy chair, his phone in his hand. He shrugged, the shoulders of his suit moving with a hint of the powerful body beneath. “It’s Renata’s business. We bring a lot of people here.” His gaze traversed her body, and he took his time, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. Thea preened under his admiring gaze.

  “Yes, so we do very well from the ranch.” Renata leaped on the lead Renaud had given her. “A pair of shoes isn’t going to begin to repay that. Now, the other dresses.” She took them from Thea, handing the gown off to her assistant, who busied herself with tissue paper. Renata added a pair of shoes Thea only got a brief glance at.

  She pointed at the dresses. “These are gorgeous, aren’t they? A hundred bucks each, I believe.” At that price for designer clothes, Renata couldn’t make much profit. But she could afford that. Extravagant for her budget, but worth it. She’d wear these a hundred times each, easily.

  “Okay.” Fumbling in her purse, Thea located her wallet and found her credit card. “Here. And I’ll keep the pants and top on.”

  Renaud came up behind her. “You should let me pay.”

  “No!” She couldn’t think of one reason why he should. “You’ve been so good already. And I can afford this easily.”

  He didn’t force the issue, and Renata slid the card into the machine. Tsking, she ran it through again. “Ah. You can sign or use a number.”

  “I have a PIN.” Thea tapped it in and waited. Until the label “Rejected” came up on the little screen. She frowned. “That’s odd. This is my personal account. It should be fine.”

  Renata ran the card over her thumb. “You should apply for another. It looks a bit worn. I had difficulty passing it through the machine. I’ll bet that’s it. Do you want to pay by check?”

  “Sure.” Except she didn’t have her checkbook with her. She’d left it in the safe in her room.

  Renaud handed over a piece of black plastic. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll sort it out w
hen we get back. You can do a transfer or something. No, I insist. I want you beautiful tonight. Even more beautiful,” he corrected himself.

  Mortified, Thea took the bags a smiling Renata handed over. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No problem. Just apply for a new card when you get home.”

  She left the store with her head down. Renaud took the bags from her and stowed them in the car. Then he paused and touched her chin, urging her to lift her head and meet his gaze. “Hey, don’t worry. We’ll sort it out when we get back. Don’t let it affect your pleasure in the clothes. You deserve them, Thea. Look on them as a bonus for all the work you did.”

  Glancing at the window of the store, the perfect red dress displayed there, she finally brought her attention back to him. He was awfully close, so close she sensed the essential masculinity of him. All her senses on alert, her nipples peaked against the thin silk of her top. When he glanced down, his gaze lingered. “You’re gorgeous,” he murmured, the words so low he might be speaking to himself.

  “Does Renata really deal in used designer clothes?” she blurted out. It seemed unlikely.

  The Gallic shrug returned. “I don’t concern myself with such things. She might.”

  The whole thing sounded suspicious to her, but for now, she’d take it. “I have plenty of money in my personal account.”

  Curving an arm around her, he touched her waist, urging her forward. She shivered in response. Anyone would think she hadn’t had sex for months, the way she felt around him. He only said, “Come on, let’s get a coffee.”

  So Thea got to visit the cute diner, after all.

  Everything was so good she had a creepy feeling that her life was finally turning around. “So the bastard is out of our lives,” she concluded. “That can’t be bad. We’ve lost a bundle on the internet scam, but we can get past that, if the video and our links with you bring up the business we want. Chester introduced us to some useful contacts. Including you.”