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Back at the Ranch Page 3

She nodded. His eyes were lighter, close to golden, sparkling with life. Transfixed, she stared at him until Renata broke the silence.

  “We can find you something to wear instead.”

  “But the bridesmaid dresses match!” Ladonna protested, the small tap indicating she had stamped her foot.

  “A new corset top will work,” Renata said.

  From that boutique, the cost wouldn’t be trivial, but there was little else they could do. They’d had the gowns delivered to Renata, and she’d undertaken to do any last-minute alterations, but Thea hadn’t budgeted for a new gown or extensive repairs to one. But she’d have to swallow the cost, somehow. This wedding better bring a helluva lot of business to their company. They were planning to offset most of the costs against the improved profits. “A win-win,” as Chester put it. For the bride and groom, maybe.

  Renata winked at Thea. “I’ll find you something pretty, more your size.”

  “Do you need to take measurements?”

  Renata shook her head. “No, honey. Come in tomorrow and we’ll find something. If you change now, I’ll take care of the gown.”

  That was nice of her, but Thea didn’t fancy changing in a room full of people. From her research she knew shape-shifters took nudity casually. Shape-shifting in their clothes would mean a lot of rags around the place, but she wasn’t a shape-shifter.

  “There’s a bathroom through there.” Blade indicated a small door.

  Although she glanced longingly at the shower, Thea only scrambled out of the gown and put on her jeans and top. With some relish she bundled the pink monstrosity into as small a package as she could manage, the shredded corset top inside, out of sight.

  With a small word of thanks, she handed the offending garment to Renata. Her responding smile didn’t waver, but the boutique owner took the garment with no ceremony, no careful treatment, and left the room.

  “Until tonight,” Blade reminded Thea. “If you’re feeling well enough?”

  “Oh yes, yes. I’m fully recovered.”

  “Which is more than I can say for the dress,” Ladonna muttered. “Such a shame because it looked so good on you.”

  She was lying. Although Ladonna’s taste in clothes tended toward the obvious, she knew hideous when she saw it, unless pre-wedding nerves had rendered her totally incapable.

  “Seven thirty, then. Just give your name to the maître d’.” Blade’s manner had changed, becoming crisp and businesslike. Had he taken the kiss just because he could?

  The memory still rocked Thea, even more than fainting had. After all, that had been on the cards from the minute her gown was laced up. She didn’t make a habit of fainting, but the lack of a decent meal, plus the restrictions on her breath, had led to the perfect storm of a faint. Who knew, without prompt help, the incident could have gotten much worse.

  And that was the tack she took with her disgruntled sister as they made their way up to their floor in the elevator. “You looked very cozy when we came in,” Ladonna said, accusation in her tone. She tapped her stilettoed feet on the floor.

  Although she had changed everything else, Thea still wore her sky-high shoes that Ladonna had insisted on. Gloomily, she stared at their almost luminous pink pointy toes. “I fainted on the poor guy. Everybody saw it. I still don’t know what business he wanted to discuss.”

  “Probably nothing. Maybe he just wanted to hit on you. Honestly, Thea, I worry about you sometimes.”


  “You’re easy. C’mon, you know you are.”

  Thea knew nothing of the kind, but she didn’t need her sister spreading a baseless rumor. “Easy?”

  “I mean that once a man sets his sights on you, you give in too easy. Give this one a hard time.” Crossing her arms, Ladonna clutched her forearms and shuddered. “Mind you, if you fuck a shape-shifter, how do you know he won’t go animal on you? Halfway through, suddenly you’ve got a tiger on your tail!”

  She was still laughing when the elevator doors opened to let them out. As they stopped outside Thea’s room, Ladonna touched her hand, preventing her from sliding the card through the slot. “Don’t do it, Thea. I can’t bear to think of you with a brute like that.”

  “He’s a very handsome brute.”

  “With a reputation,” Ladonna said. “Don’t forget that.”

  If anything, that served to make Thea’s mind up for her. “We’ll be gone by Tuesday. If I do anything, it’ll be a weekend fling.”

  “Yeah. Well, as long as you’re not mooning around the office Wednesday.”

  “You won’t be there. You’ll be in the Caribbean.” The honeymoon was on Chester, he’d declared, so they were off after the ceremony. At least they were paying for that.

  Ladonna shrugged. “All the more reason for you to be on the ball.”

  So, back to work it was. This was Friday. That gave Thea three days to be a bad girl. If she got the chance, that was.

  * * * *

  “Mixing work and pleasure again?” Blade’s breed partner fell into step with him as he approached the restaurant.

  He spared Renaud a glance. “What makes you think that?”

  “I can smell it on you.” Bending closer, Renaud made a point of taking a loud sniff. “You’re a tiger in heat.”

  Blade brushed an imaginary thread off his jacket. He had considered going full monkey suit and wearing his tuxedo. On second thought, his date might not have the gown to suit it, so he’d settled for navy blue Armani instead. “Not your business. Or are you jealous?”

  “Maybe.” Renaud paused. “I’ve not had a woman for a while. Maybe this one won’t mind sharing.”

  “Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?”

  Renaud chuckled. “Not where you’re concerned. Did you talk to Ms. Rossi about the discrepancy?”

  “Not yet. It’s her I’m taking to dinner.”

  Renaud paused and then caught up with him. “You’re breaking the news gently? Or seducing her into confessing the truth?”

  “Neither. I like her.” He glanced at Renaud. “Her sister is the one we need to watch, but don’t tell her so. She’s telepathic, too. I went deep this afternoon, and she heard me.”

  “Fuck. Does she know?”

  “She does now.” They’d reached the entrance to the restaurant. “Are you eating?”

  Renaud shrugged. “I might as well. Introduce me to your Dorothea.”

  “Thea. Her sister calls her Dot. I assume it’s a childhood name, but in her emails she calls herself Thea, so that’s what I’m keeping to. And I don’t want you interrupting, clear?”

  Renaud’s eyes opened wide for a brief moment. Blue met tawny, challenged, and fell away. “Sure. For now. Is the sister here?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll point her out if I see her.” Frankly, he didn’t care. He’d had his fill of the bride for one day. “Be warned, she has a hellish volume on her. She can drown out the whole of the entrance area with one scream.”


  “Oh yes. I heard it from my office. And where were you all day?” He might as well do some of the questioning.

  Renaud’s mouth kicked up in a grin. “It doesn’t matter.”

  The men walked in together. Used to drawing attention, especially with Renaud, Blade nevertheless winced when a squeal echoed off the wood-paneled walls. “There he is! Or there they are!”

  I want her to myself, Blade said.

  No problem. Renaud shook his shoulders, as if loosening his body for action, and stepped forward, but added, If Thea is the brunette, I’m interested.

  Keep off. At least for now, although he had to admit his cock stirred at the thought of sharing her.

  Shit, he hadn’t had her himself yet. He didn’t even know if she was interested. Hell, after that explosive kiss this afternoon, how could she be anything else? With increased resolve, he went forward, only pausing to ask the maître d’ to ready another table for them before he reached the large one occupied by five women and one man. “
Oh, you look wonderful!” Ladonna exclaimed.

  Blade allowed himself a smile. “Shouldn’t I be saying that?” Even though the bride wore a dress that left little to the imagination. The peach bandage was more elastic than fabric, hugging her closely. He preferred Thea’s dark red dress, cut in a V at the front, revealing a teasing hint of cleavage. Her hair was brushed smooth, curling at the ends, and her subtle makeup enhanced her lovely features.

  A giggle came as his response. “May I introduce my breed partner? Renaud, this is the bride for the weekend, Ms. Rossi, soon to be…”

  Ladonna took the hint and introduced the others. The gaggle of bridesmaids came first, all with big hair and tight dresses. Then “Chester S. Rayburn the third, my fiancé.”

  “And,” one of the bridesmaids said, “Dot’s previous fiancé.”

  Ladonna shot the girl a hard glare. “Well, once he and Dot had broken up, I couldn’t let a good man go to waste, could I?”

  Renaud saved the awkward moment, jumping in while Blade was still wondering about what he’d just learned. “And I believe Mr. Rayburn is a partner in the wedding planning company?” He shook Chester Rayburn’s hand, briefly. “I would like to discuss the company with you.” Putting on the charm, he widened his smile. “May I join you for dinner? As our guests, of course.” Even though Blade had already taken care of the meal. This company would cost them a fortune.

  The flustering and the fake protests went on far too long for Blade’s liking. He needed to get Thea away from this crowd.

  Their company contacted me yesterday, enquiring about future business, Renaud informed Blade tersely. I’ll be good, I promise. But I’ll try and find out what they’re up to.

  Good is the last thing on my mind, Blade said. He extended his hand to Thea. “We’d be far too crowded around that table. Let’s find somewhere else.”

  “But the restaurant is full.”

  It was, and most of the occupants were watching them. Thea took his hand. Her fingers were trembling. She didn’t like this scene any more than he did. With a final admonition of Don’t let them drink too much. A drunk wedding party isn’t a good idea.

  Especially this wedding party, Renaud added laconically. You owe me, partner.

  I’ll bear it in mind.

  Offering his arm to Thea, he took her from the restaurant. He didn’t pause. Renaud would ensure they were taken care of. “I know somewhere else far better. We won’t have to shout to make ourselves heard.”

  She walked by his side, toward the elevators.

  Chapter Three

  Thea had been looking forward to her meal with the gorgeous Blade until her roomies and Ladonna had joined her. They had chattered excitedly, and Chester had fawned over Ladonna until Thea had felt quite sick. He’d behaved as if they’d been apart for years, not just a couple of days. Her private dinner with Blade had turned into a raucous party, just like all Ladonna’s other gatherings. But Blade had rescued the situation. And how.

  “You’re taking me to your room, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am. Do you mind?” He seemed genuinely interested in her response, giving her the choice.

  “Not at all.”

  “There are other restaurants here, if you’d prefer.”

  “No, I trust you.”

  He slapped his hand against the button. “You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t, you know.”

  A smile broke out over her face. “I know.” She relaxed into him as the doors opened and they stepped inside. Sure, she was batting way above her average, and this man was far too accomplished for her own good, but hey, this was only a weekend, that was all. By the middle of next week she’d be back in her little office, cold-calling future brides with one hand and arranging for the movie to be uploaded with the other. So what did this matter? It was a vacation for her, in the middle of a slew of frenetic activity.

  “I thought his chin was a bit weak,” Blade remarked, flexing his fists as if he wanted to test his theory.

  “Chester? He’s New York high society. He only just qualifies, but you know what it’s like.” At the tiny shake of his head, she explained. “It’s all about birth and manners, not money. Who you know. It’s incredibly useful for contacts. Chester has introduced us to some really helpful people. His aunt holds a charity ball every year, one we might get to organize.”

  “So you didn’t want him for his gorgeous body.” He watched her closely.

  Well, at least he couldn’t be jealous. “It’s not bad.” She shrugged.

  Fascinated, she saw his eyes darken and his figure tense. “I don’t think I want to know that. And I don’t want you comparing, either. Promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You won’t go back to him.”

  He’d startled her into a laugh. “No fucking chance. He’s marrying my sister on Monday. No way am I going anywhere near that.”

  “Glad to hear it. So you’re a one-man woman?” Holding out his hand to her, he took her from the elevator and to the only door she could see on this floor. “Are you okay with a short flight of stairs?”


  He tapped a card on the reader and pushed open the door. A flight of stairs led upward. He led the way, so she had a chance to examine his fine butt in motion. Fuck, she wanted her hands there!

  “They’ll deliver the food here,” he said. “But we don’t allow any members of staff up here, except the housekeeper twice a week, so we’ll have to serve ourselves. Did you order before we came up here?”

  Wordlessly, she nodded.

  This wasn’t a room. It wasn’t even a penthouse. It was a damned house. “Wow. It’s amazing.” They stood in a large living area. Three of her apartments could fit in this room alone. Comfortable sofas and chairs were scattered around, in jewel shades of ruby, sapphire, and emerald. Paintings hung on the walls, which she suspected weren’t copies. A Miro, the shade of ultramarine blue unmistakable, hung over the fireplace.

  And the view! Drawn to the windows, she gazed out over miles of green country. Hills reared, shadowy and mysterious, in the background.

  Coming up behind her, Blade placed his hands on her shoulders. “Beautiful, isn’t it? This part of the building is for family alone. We wanted it kept like this for us. The hotel is run by six of us, but the whole syndicate owns it.”


  “It’s a big ranch. It’s best run as one concern, especially since it’s privately owned.”

  She blinked. “What, all of it?”

  “Yes. We want to keep Goldclaw––all of it––as a place of sanctuary for shape-shifters. There are other areas.”

  “I’ve read about them. The politicians hate them.”

  “Some politicians do. But if they’re gone, then so are we. There aren’t many of us, compared to humans.”

  Yes, shape-shifters. She’d almost forgotten. “So I’m in a room with a tiger.”

  “Yes, you are. Does that bother you?”

  “Bother me?” Turning away from the view, she met his intent gaze. His hands rested on her hips now, their warmth infusing her with need so desperate she didn’t know herself. “It excites me.”

  And it did.

  “I’m so glad to hear that. Because if you take me, you take all of me.” Bending, he covered her lips in the sweetest, gentlest kiss imaginable. But when she tried to respond, he drew away. “You know this is short-term, don’t you?”

  She scoffed. “Duh. Like you’ll fly up to New York every weekend just for little me? I don’t think so. And you’re a commitment-phobe.”

  His eyes widening, he reared back. “How do you know that?”

  “I looked you up online. When a man has a new girlfriend every month, it’s not hard to work it out.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “It would if we weren’t on the same page.” Why the fuck should she care who he dated? Except that, weirdly, she did. Maybe she should tell him about her inexperience. But she wouldn’t. He hadn�
��t even looked up her address before she arrived, that was how much he cared. “I’m going home next week, and I’m very attracted to you.”

  “Ditto,” he said, his grin widening.

  And he preferred her over her sister. With that knowledge making her feel smug inside, this time, when he kissed her, he didn’t stop.

  A ding! made her pull back. “Are you expecting visitors?”

  “That’s the dumb waiter. Our food is ready.” He seemed reluctant to move away, speaking against her lips. “Food first or bed?”

  She knew what she was hungry for. “Bed.”

  “I’m glad you said that.”

  With a wicked grin, he moved away, holding his hand for her. He led her out of the room to a flight of stairs at the end. They went up, and he opened the first door on the short hallway. A bedroom. Graciously decorated, but all she registered were the shades of dark blue before he spun her into his arms and took another kiss.

  This time when she threw her arm around his neck he didn’t push her away but urged her to open her mouth with a flick of his tongue against her lips. Then he devoured her. No gentleness remained. Digging her fingers into the short hairs at the back of his neck, Thea burrowed in as his groan reverberated through her mouth. She swallowed the delicious sound, and her toes curled in her shoes.

  Still in the kiss, he swung her up and took a couple of strides, dropping her on the bed and following her down. Thea barely had time to take her shoes off before she was there and he was on top of her. Although he carefully kept his weight off her, he enclosed her in heat. Arching her back brought her closer to him, but not close enough. Drawing away, she panted, staring up at him. His eyes blazed gold back at her.

  “Oh yes,” he murmured. “This is perfect. Except you’re wearing too many clothes.”

  She combed her fingers through his hair, the strands easing over her skin like a river of silk. When he lifted away from her, she sat up, and fumbled at her side, hunting for the tab of her zipper.

  “Allow me,” he murmured, reaching for it.

  Air hit her fevered skin, and willingly, she lifted her arms as he tugged her dress up and tossed it aside. Although this was the dress she’d planned to wear for the reception, she didn’t bother to discover where it had gone. Reaching around, he unhooked her bra and helped her slide it down her arms and off.